2ndLook Website Case Studies

Website Development
Case Studies

The case studies presented on this page will help to illustrate how the website development process proceeds when working with 2ndLook to design a website to meet your goals.







Click on the links above to view the website.


The Kidney Connection:

We were approached by four women who referred to themselves as "Women on a Mission." All four had themselves, or had someone in their family, suffering from kidney disease. Their dream was to create a website for people in Western New York who are in need of a Kidney transplant. To publish their stories in hopes that persons willing to be a living kidney donor would be inspired to consider donating.


WNY Kidney ConnectionThe website was launched in September of 2006. There was a great deal of excitement surrounding this effort by four dedicated women. In August of 2008 we did a complete visual change to the website in response to the WNY Kidney Connection wanting a closer association to the National Kidney Foundation WNY. The website kept the same basic structure but was aligned visually with the NKF.

The Goal

•To increase awareness of the number of local persons who are in desperate need of a lifesaving kidney.
•To increase awareness of living kidney donations and the difference they can make to people in need of a kidney.
•To facilitate connections between those on the WNY Kidney Transplant list and persons willing to be a living donor. This connection, although initiated on the website would be carried out only through the parties involved, not by the website administrators.

• To enable viewers to upload information about their story as well as photos via a form on the website.

• To allow for WNY Kidney Connection personnel to make regular update to content themselves.



  Our List

This is the central meeting place for this website. People in need of a kidney transplant are listed on this page with links to a page of their own that tells their story.

My Story

My Story is the page on which each person on the list has an opportunity to tell of their need for a kidney transplant or in the case of our success stories to tell about their hero who saved their life by donating a kidney.

Add to Our List

Another central aspect to this site is the ability for people who learn about the Opportunity to add their name and photo the Our List page.

Our Success Stories

Last but certainly not least is the page where successful kidney transplants for persons on Our List are celebrated.


****** UPDATE 2014 ********

Both the WNY Kidney Connection website and the organization have undergone some big changes this year. It is now The Kidney Connection and is adding new connections. It now has the WNY Kidney Connection, the Albany Kidney Connection, the NNY Kidney Connection and the Rochester Kidney Connection. Each has their own section of the site with their own "Our List" and their own "Add to Our List". We anticipate adding more Connections over time.

The new website is built in the WordPress framework to allow for easier updating, enhanced opportunities for viewer interaction, and access to many widget and plugin based features. This website is also constructed as a responsive design, which means the layout of page elements will change to adapt to the size of device it is being viewed on.

Special attention to Search Engine Optimization and promotion of the website and organization has paid off with , according to Google Analytics, 3676 unique users and 21,009 page views from March 17, 2014 to July 16, 2014.

The site has been viewed from every state in the USA (except Wyoming) as well as many countries around the world.

The website has been planned to allow for growth of the organization as they continue to add new connections and spread this life saving effort.





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